From Dumpsters to Dungeons
The Pack - Protagonists¶
Kit - Bright-eyed, short statured, divinely inspired
Fareflynn Evanflower (FAIR-flin)- Caring devotee of Lunara
Seamus O'Connell (SHAY-mus) - Ambitious learned practitioner of the arcane
Elwood Shapeweaver - World-weary noble druid
Glintport - Bustling home¶
Yetix (YET-icks) - Glintport college professor of geography
Lunara (LUNE-are-ah) - Goddess of the moon and transitions
Silver Stars - Elite group of Lunara's servants
Cara (CAR-ah) - High priestess of the temple of Lunara
Utrecht (OOT-recked) - Cartographer at the temple of Lunara
Orehaven - Sleepy village beset by corruption¶
Danovar - Bartender
Tywin - Healed son
Citadel - Hidden fortress beneath Orehaven¶
Meelo - Meek servant to in the Wyrmkin tribe
Wraithroot Tree - Living source of corruption
Jek-Reth - Druid sewing corruption, former mentor to El
Duil Bladeleaf - Captured naive drunkard