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A schema to store the usage of advanced Spyglass features.

Records show usage of features such as cautious delete and fault-permitting insert, which will be used to determine which features are used, how often, and by whom. This will help plan future development of Spyglass.


Bases: Manual

A log of suspected low-use features worth deprecating.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
class ActivityLog(dj.Manual):
    """A log of suspected low-use features worth deprecating."""

    definition = """
    id: int auto_increment
    function: varchar(64)
    dj_user: varchar(64)
    timestamp=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: timestamp

    def deprecate_log(cls, name, warning=True) -> None:
        if warning:
            logger.warning(f"DEPRECATION scheduled for version 0.6: {name}")
        cls.insert1(dict(dj_user=dj.config["database.user"], function=name))


Bases: SpyglassMixin, Manual

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
class ExportSelection(SpyglassMixin, dj.Manual):
    definition = """
    export_id: int auto_increment
    paper_id: varchar(32)
    analysis_id: varchar(32)
    spyglass_version: varchar(16)
    time=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: timestamp
    unique index (paper_id, analysis_id)

    class Table(SpyglassMixin, dj.Part):
        definition = """
        -> master
        table_id: int
        table_name: varchar(128)
        restriction: varchar(2048)

        def insert1(self, key, **kwargs):
            key = self._auto_increment(key, pk="table_id")
            super().insert1(key, **kwargs)

        def insert(self, keys: List[dict], **kwargs):
            if not isinstance(keys[0], dict):
                raise TypeError("Pass Table Keys as list of dict")
            keys = [self._auto_increment(k, pk="table_id") for k in keys]
            super().insert(keys, **kwargs)

    class File(SpyglassMixin, dj.Part):
        definition = """
        -> master
        -> AnalysisNwbfile
        # Note: only tracks AnalysisNwbfile. list_file_paths also grabs Nwbfile.

    def insert1_return_pk(self, key: dict, **kwargs) -> int:
        """Custom insert to return export_id."""
        status = "Resuming"
        if not (query := self & key):
            key = self._auto_increment(key, pk="export_id")
            super().insert1(key, **kwargs)
            status = "Starting"
        export_id = query.fetch1("export_id")
        export_key = {"export_id": export_id}
        if query := (Export & export_key):
            safemode = False if test_mode else None  # No prompt in tests
            query.super_delete(warn=False, safemode=safemode)"{status} {export_key}")
        return export_id

    def start_export(self, paper_id, analysis_id) -> None:
        """Start logging a new export."""
        self._start_export(paper_id, analysis_id)

    def stop_export(self, **kwargs) -> None:
        """Stop logging the current export."""

    # NOTE: These helpers could be moved to table below, but I think
    #       end users may want to use them to check what's in the export log
    #       before actually exporting anything, which is more associated with
    #       Selection

    def list_file_paths(self, key: dict) -> list[str]:
        """Return a list of unique file paths for a given restriction/key.

        Note: This list reflects files fetched during the export process. For
        upstream files, use RestrGraph.file_paths.
        file_table = self * self.File & key
        analysis_fp = [
            for fname in file_table.fetch("analysis_file_name")
        nwbfile_fp = [
            for fname in (AnalysisNwbfile * file_table).fetch("nwb_file_name")
        return [{"file_path": p} for p in list({*analysis_fp, *nwbfile_fp})]

    def get_restr_graph(self, key: dict, verbose=False) -> RestrGraph:
        """Return a RestrGraph for a restriction/key's tables/restrictions.

        Ignores duplicate entries.

        key : dict
            Any valid restriction key for ExportSelection.Table
        verbose : bool, optional
            Turn on RestrGraph verbosity. Default False.
        leaves = unique_dicts(
            (self * self.Table & key).fetch(
                "table_name", "restriction", as_dict=True
        return RestrGraph(seed_table=self, leaves=leaves, verbose=verbose)

    def preview_tables(self, **kwargs) -> list[dj.FreeTable]:
        """Return a list of restricted FreeTables for a given restriction/key.

        Useful for checking what will be exported.
        return self.get_restr_graph(kwargs).leaf_ft

    def _max_export_id(self, paper_id: str, return_all=False) -> int:
        """Return last export associated with a given paper id.

        Used to populate Export table."""
        if isinstance(paper_id, dict):
            paper_id = paper_id.get("paper_id")
        if not (query := self & {"paper_id": paper_id}):
            return None
        all_export_ids = query.fetch("export_id")
        return all_export_ids if return_all else max(all_export_ids)

    def paper_export_id(self, paper_id: str, return_all=False) -> dict:
        """Return the maximum export_id for a paper, used to populate Export."""
        if not return_all:
            return {"export_id": self._max_export_id(paper_id)}
        return [{"export_id": id} for id in self._max_export_id(paper_id, True)]

insert1_return_pk(key, **kwargs)

Custom insert to return export_id.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def insert1_return_pk(self, key: dict, **kwargs) -> int:
    """Custom insert to return export_id."""
    status = "Resuming"
    if not (query := self & key):
        key = self._auto_increment(key, pk="export_id")
        super().insert1(key, **kwargs)
        status = "Starting"
    export_id = query.fetch1("export_id")
    export_key = {"export_id": export_id}
    if query := (Export & export_key):
        safemode = False if test_mode else None  # No prompt in tests
        query.super_delete(warn=False, safemode=safemode)"{status} {export_key}")
    return export_id

start_export(paper_id, analysis_id)

Start logging a new export.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def start_export(self, paper_id, analysis_id) -> None:
    """Start logging a new export."""
    self._start_export(paper_id, analysis_id)


Stop logging the current export.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def stop_export(self, **kwargs) -> None:
    """Stop logging the current export."""


Return a list of unique file paths for a given restriction/key.

Note: This list reflects files fetched during the export process. For upstream files, use RestrGraph.file_paths.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def list_file_paths(self, key: dict) -> list[str]:
    """Return a list of unique file paths for a given restriction/key.

    Note: This list reflects files fetched during the export process. For
    upstream files, use RestrGraph.file_paths.
    file_table = self * self.File & key
    analysis_fp = [
        for fname in file_table.fetch("analysis_file_name")
    nwbfile_fp = [
        for fname in (AnalysisNwbfile * file_table).fetch("nwb_file_name")
    return [{"file_path": p} for p in list({*analysis_fp, *nwbfile_fp})]

get_restr_graph(key, verbose=False)

Return a RestrGraph for a restriction/key's tables/restrictions.

Ignores duplicate entries.


Name Type Description Default
key dict

Any valid restriction key for ExportSelection.Table

verbose bool

Turn on RestrGraph verbosity. Default False.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def get_restr_graph(self, key: dict, verbose=False) -> RestrGraph:
    """Return a RestrGraph for a restriction/key's tables/restrictions.

    Ignores duplicate entries.

    key : dict
        Any valid restriction key for ExportSelection.Table
    verbose : bool, optional
        Turn on RestrGraph verbosity. Default False.
    leaves = unique_dicts(
        (self * self.Table & key).fetch(
            "table_name", "restriction", as_dict=True
    return RestrGraph(seed_table=self, leaves=leaves, verbose=verbose)


Return a list of restricted FreeTables for a given restriction/key.

Useful for checking what will be exported.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def preview_tables(self, **kwargs) -> list[dj.FreeTable]:
    """Return a list of restricted FreeTables for a given restriction/key.

    Useful for checking what will be exported.
    return self.get_restr_graph(kwargs).leaf_ft

paper_export_id(paper_id, return_all=False)

Return the maximum export_id for a paper, used to populate Export.

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def paper_export_id(self, paper_id: str, return_all=False) -> dict:
    """Return the maximum export_id for a paper, used to populate Export."""
    if not return_all:
        return {"export_id": self._max_export_id(paper_id)}
    return [{"export_id": id} for id in self._max_export_id(paper_id, True)]


Bases: SpyglassMixin, Computed

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
class Export(SpyglassMixin, dj.Computed):
    definition = """
    -> ExportSelection
    paper_id: varchar(32)

    # In order to get a many-to-one relationship btwn Selection and Export,
    # we ignore all but the last export_id. If more exports are added above,
    # generating a new output will overwrite the old ones.

    class Table(SpyglassMixin, dj.Part):
        definition = """
        -> master
        table_id: int
        table_name: varchar(128)
        restriction: mediumblob
        unique index (export_id, table_name)

    class File(SpyglassMixin, dj.Part):
        definition = """
        -> master
        file_id: int
        file_path: varchar(255)

    def populate_paper(self, paper_id: Union[str, dict]):
        if isinstance(paper_id, dict):
            paper_id = paper_id.get("paper_id")

    def make(self, key):
        paper_key = (ExportSelection & key).fetch("paper_id", as_dict=True)[0]
        query = ExportSelection & paper_key

        # Null insertion if export_id is not the maximum for the paper
        all_export_ids = ExportSelection()._max_export_id(paper_key, True)
        max_export_id = max(all_export_ids)
        if key.get("export_id") != max_export_id:
                f"Skipping export_id {key['export_id']}, use {max_export_id}"

        # If lesser ids are present, delete parts yielding null entries
        processed_ids = set(
            + list(self.File.fetch("export_id"))
        if overlap := set(all_export_ids) - {max_export_id} & processed_ids:
  "Overwriting export_ids {overlap}")
            for export_id in overlap:
                id_dict = {"export_id": export_id}
                (self.Table & id_dict).delete_quick()
                (self.Table & id_dict).delete_quick()

        restr_graph = ExportSelection().get_restr_graph(paper_key)
        file_paths = unique_dicts(  # Original plus upstream files
            query.list_file_paths(paper_key) + restr_graph.file_paths

        table_inserts = [
            {**key, **rd, "table_id": i}
            for i, rd in enumerate(restr_graph.as_dict)
        file_inserts = [
            {**key, **fp, "file_id": i} for i, fp in enumerate(file_paths)

        # Writes but does not run mysqldump. Assumes single version per paper.
        version_key = query.fetch("spyglass_version", as_dict=True)[0]
            free_tables=restr_graph.restr_ft, **paper_key, **version_key

        self.insert1({**key, **paper_key})

    def _get_credentials(self):
        """Get credentials for database connection."""
        return {
            "user": dj_config["database.user"],
            "password": dj_config["database.password"],
            "host": dj_config[""],

    def _write_sql_cnf(self):
        """Write SQL cnf file to avoid password prompt."""
        cnf_path = Path("~/.my.cnf").expanduser()

        if cnf_path.exists():

        template = "[client]\nuser={user}\npassword={password}\nhost={host}\n"

        with open(str(cnf_path), "w") as file:

    def _bash_escape(self, s):
        """Escape restriction string for bash."""
        s = s.strip()

        replace_map = {
            "WHERE ": "",  # Remove preceding WHERE of dj.where_clause
            "  ": " ",  # Squash double spaces
            "( (": "((",  # Squash double parens
            ") )": ")",
            '"': "'",  # Replace double quotes with single
            "`": "",  # Remove backticks
            " AND ": " \\\n\tAND ",  # Add newline and tab for readability
            " OR ": " \\\n\tOR  ",  # OR extra space to align with AND
            ")AND(": ") \\\n\tAND (",
            ")OR(": ") \\\n\tOR  (",
            "#": "\\#",
        for old, new in replace_map.items():
            s = s.replace(old, new)
        if s.startswith("(((") and s.endswith(")))"):
            s = s[2:-2]  # Remove extra parens for readability
        return s

    def _cmd_prefix(self, docker_id=None):
        """Get prefix for mysqldump command. Includes docker exec if needed."""
        if not docker_id:
            return "mysqldump "
        return (
            f"docker exec -i {docker_id} \\\n\tmysqldump "
            + "-u {user} --password={password} \\\n\t".format(

    def _write_mysqldump(
        free_tables: List[FreeTable],
        paper_id: str,
        """Write script to export data.

        paper_id : str
            Paper ID to use for export file names
        docker_id : str, optional
            Docker container ID to export from. Default None
        spyglass_version : str, optional
            Spyglass version to include in export. Default None
        paper_dir = Path(export_dir) / paper_id if not docker_id else Path(".")

        dump_script = paper_dir / f"_ExportSQL_{paper_id}.sh"
        dump_content = paper_dir / f"_Populate_{paper_id}.sql"

        prefix = self._cmd_prefix(docker_id)
        version = (  # Include spyglass version as comment in dump
            "echo '--'\n"
            + f"echo '-- SPYGLASS VERSION: {spyglass_version} --'\n"
            + "echo '--'\n\n"
            if spyglass_version
            else ""
        create_cmd = (
            "echo 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {database}; "
            + "USE {database};'\n\n"
        dump_cmd = prefix + '{database} {table} --where="\\\n\t{where}"\n\n'

        tables_by_db = sorted(free_tables, key=lambda x: x.full_table_name)

        with open(dump_script, "w") as file:
                + f"exec > {dump_content}\n\n"  # Redirect output to sql file
                + f"{version}"  # Include spyglass version as comment

            prev_db = None
            for table in tables_by_db:
                if not (where := table.where_clause()):
                where = self._bash_escape(where)
                database, table_name = (
                    table.full_table_name.replace("`", "")
                    .replace("#", "\\#")
                if database != prev_db:
                    prev_db = database
                        database=database, table=table_name, where=where
                )"Export script written to {dump_script}")

    def write_export(
        free_tables: List[FreeTable],
        paper_id: str,
        """Write export bash script for all tables in graph.

        Also writes a user-specific .my.cnf file to avoid password prompt.

        free_tables : List[FreeTable]
            List of restricted FreeTables to export
        paper_id : str
            Paper ID to use for export file names
        docker_id : str, optional
            Docker container ID to export from. Default None
        spyglass_version : str, optional
            Spyglass version to include in export. Default None
            free_tables, paper_id, docker_id, spyglass_version

        # TODO: export conda env

    def prepare_files_for_export(self, key, **kwargs):
        """Resolve common known errors to make a set of analysis
        files dandi compliant

        key : dict
            restriction for a single entry of the Export table
        key = (self & key).fetch1("KEY")
        file_list = (self.File() & key).fetch("file_path")
        for file in file_list:
            update_analysis_for_dandi_standard(file, **kwargs)

    def _make_fileset_ids_unique(self, key):
        """Make the object_id of each nwb in a dataset unique"""
        key = (self & key).fetch1("KEY")
        file_list = (self.File() & key).fetch("file_path")
        unique_object_ids = []
        for file_path in file_list:
            with NWBHDF5IO(file_path, "r") as io:
                nwb =
                object_id = nwb.object_id
            if object_id not in unique_object_ids:
                new_id = make_file_obj_id_unique(file_path)

write_export(free_tables, paper_id, docker_id=None, spyglass_version=None)

Write export bash script for all tables in graph.

Also writes a user-specific .my.cnf file to avoid password prompt.


Name Type Description Default
free_tables List[FreeTable]

List of restricted FreeTables to export

paper_id str

Paper ID to use for export file names

docker_id str

Docker container ID to export from. Default None

spyglass_version str

Spyglass version to include in export. Default None

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def write_export(
    free_tables: List[FreeTable],
    paper_id: str,
    """Write export bash script for all tables in graph.

    Also writes a user-specific .my.cnf file to avoid password prompt.

    free_tables : List[FreeTable]
        List of restricted FreeTables to export
    paper_id : str
        Paper ID to use for export file names
    docker_id : str, optional
        Docker container ID to export from. Default None
    spyglass_version : str, optional
        Spyglass version to include in export. Default None
        free_tables, paper_id, docker_id, spyglass_version

prepare_files_for_export(key, **kwargs)

Resolve common known errors to make a set of analysis files dandi compliant


Name Type Description Default
key dict

restriction for a single entry of the Export table

Source code in src/spyglass/common/
def prepare_files_for_export(self, key, **kwargs):
    """Resolve common known errors to make a set of analysis
    files dandi compliant

    key : dict
        restriction for a single entry of the Export table
    key = (self & key).fetch1("KEY")
    file_list = (self.File() & key).fetch("file_path")
    for file in file_list:
        update_analysis_for_dandi_standard(file, **kwargs)