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validate_option(option=None, options=None, name='option', types=None, val_range=None, permit_none=False)

Validate that option is in a list options or a list of types.


Name Type Description Default
option str

If none, runs no checks.

options lis

If provided, option must be in options.

name st

If provided, name of option to use in error message.

types tuple

If provided, option must be an instance of one of the types in types.

val_range tuple

If provided, option must be in range (min, max)

permit_none bool

If True, permit option to be None. Default False.



Type Description

If option is not in options.

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def validate_option(
    options: list = None,
    types: tuple = None,
    val_range: tuple = None,
    """Validate that option is in a list options or a list of types.

    option : str, optional
        If none, runs no checks.
    options : lis, optional
        If provided, option must be in options.
    name : st, optional
        If provided, name of option to use in error message.
    types : tuple, optional
        If provided, option must be an instance of one of the types in types.
    val_range : tuple, optional
        If provided, option must be in range (min, max)
    permit_none : bool, optional
        If True, permit option to be None. Default False.

        If option is not in options.
    if option is None and not permit_none:
        raise ValueError(f"{name} cannot be None")

    if options and option not in options:
        raise KeyError(
            f"Unknown {name}: {option} " f"Available options: {options}"

    if types is not None and not isinstance(types, Iterable):
        types = (types,)

    if types is not None and not isinstance(option, types):
        raise TypeError(f"{name} is {type(option)}. Available types {types}")

    if val_range and not (val_range[0] <= option <= val_range[1]):
        raise ValueError(f"{name} must be in range {val_range}")

validate_list(required_items, option_list=None, name='List', condition='', permit_none=False)

Validate that option_list contains all items in required_items.


Name Type Description Default
required_items list
option_list list

If provided, option_list must contain all items in required_items.

name str

If provided, name of option_list to use in error message.

condition str

If provided, condition in error message as 'when using X'.

permit_none bool

If True, permit option_list to be None. Default False.

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def validate_list(
    required_items: list,
    option_list: list = None,
    """Validate that option_list contains all items in required_items.

    required_items : list
    option_list : list, optional
        If provided, option_list must contain all items in required_items.
    name : str, optional
        If provided, name of option_list to use in error message.
    condition : str, optional
        If provided, condition in error message as 'when using X'.
    permit_none : bool, optional
        If True, permit option_list to be None. Default False.
    if option_list is None:
        if permit_none:
            raise ValueError(f"{name} cannot be None")
    if condition:
        condition = f" when using {condition}"
    if any(x not in required_items for x in option_list):
        raise KeyError(
            f"{name} must contain all items in {required_items}{condition}."


If params['smooth'], validate method is in list and duration type

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def validate_smooth_params(params):
    """If params['smooth'], validate method is in list and duration type"""
    if not params.get("smooth"):
    smoothing_params = params.get("smoothing_params")
    validate_option(option=smoothing_params, name="smoothing_params")
        types=(int, float),

file_log(logger, console=False)

Decorator to add a file handler to a logger.


Name Type Description Default
logger Logger

Logger to add file handler to.

console bool

If True, logged info will also be printed to console. Default False.


@file_log(logger, console=True) def func(self, args, *kwargs): pass

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def file_log(logger, console=False):
    """Decorator to add a file handler to a logger.

    logger : logging.Logger
        Logger to add file handler to.
    console : bool, optional
        If True, logged info will also be printed to console. Default False.

    @file_log(logger, console=True)
    def func(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if not (log_path := getattr(self, "log_path", None)):
                self.log_path = f"temp_{self.__class__.__name__}.log"
            file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path, mode="a")
            file_fmt = logging.Formatter(
                "[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] Spyglass "
                + "%(filename)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s",
                datefmt="%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
            if not console:
                return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                if not console:

        return wrapper

    return decorator


Returns session_dir relative to custom 'dlc_output_dir' root

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def get_dlc_processed_data_dir() -> str:
    """Returns session_dir relative to custom 'dlc_output_dir' root"""
    ActivityLog().deprecate_log("dlc_utils: get_dlc_processed_data_dir")
    if "custom" in dj.config:
        if "dlc_output_dir" in dj.config["custom"]:
            dlc_output_dir = dj.config.get("custom", {}).get("dlc_output_dir")
    if dlc_output_dir:
        return Path(dlc_output_dir)
        return Path("/nimbus/deeplabcut/output/")

find_full_path(root_directories, relative_path)

from Datajoint Elements - unused Given a relative path, search and return the full-path from provided potential root directories (in the given order) :param root_directories: potential root directories :param relative_path: the relative path to find the valid root directory :return: full-path (Path object)

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def find_full_path(root_directories, relative_path):
    from Datajoint Elements - unused
    Given a relative path, search and return the full-path
     from provided potential root directories (in the given order)
        :param root_directories: potential root directories
        :param relative_path: the relative path to find the valid root directory
        :return: full-path (Path object)
    ActivityLog().deprecate_log("dlc_utils: find_full_path")
    relative_path = _to_Path(relative_path)

    if relative_path.exists():
        return relative_path

    # Turn to list if only a single root directory is provided
    if isinstance(root_directories, (str, Path)):
        root_directories = [_to_Path(root_directories)]

    for root_dir in root_directories:
        if (_to_Path(root_dir) / relative_path).exists():
            return _to_Path(root_dir) / relative_path

    raise FileNotFoundError(
        f"No valid full-path found (from {root_directories})"
        f" for {relative_path}"

find_root_directory(root_directories, full_path)

From datajoint elements - unused Given multiple potential root directories and a full-path, search and return one directory that is the parent of the given path :param root_directories: potential root directories :param full_path: the full path to search the root directory :return: root_directory (Path object)

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def find_root_directory(root_directories, full_path):
    From datajoint elements - unused
    Given multiple potential root directories and a full-path,
    search and return one directory that is the parent of the given path
        :param root_directories: potential root directories
        :param full_path: the full path to search the root directory
        :return: root_directory (Path object)
    ActivityLog().deprecate_log("dlc_utils: find_full_path")
    full_path = _to_Path(full_path)

    if not full_path.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"{full_path} does not exist!")

    # Turn to list if only a single root directory is provided
    if isinstance(root_directories, (str, Path)):
        root_directories = [_to_Path(root_directories)]

        return next(
            for root_dir in root_directories
            if _to_Path(root_dir) in set(full_path.parents)

    except StopIteration as exc:
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"No valid root directory found (from {root_directories})"
            f" for {full_path}"
        ) from exc

infer_output_dir(key, makedir=True)

Return the expected pose_estimation_output_dir.


Name Type Description Default
Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def infer_output_dir(key, makedir=True):
    """Return the expected pose_estimation_output_dir.

    key: DataJoint key specifying a pairing of VideoFile and Model.

    file_name = key.get("nwb_file_name")
    dlc_model_name = key.get("dlc_model_name")
    epoch = key.get("epoch")

    if not all([file_name, dlc_model_name, epoch]):
        raise ValueError(
            "Key must contain 'nwb_file_name', 'dlc_model_name', and 'epoch'"

    nwb_file_name = key["nwb_file_name"].split("_.")[0]
    output_dir = Path(dlc_output_dir) / Path(
        f"_model_" + key["dlc_model_name"].replace(" ", "-")
    if makedir:
        output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    return output_dir


Returns video path for a given key.

Given nwb_file_name and interval_list_name returns specified video file filename, path, meters_per_pixel, and timestamps.


Name Type Description Default
key dict

Dictionary containing nwb_file_name and interval_list_name as keys



Name Type Description
video_filepath str

path to the video file, including video filename

video_filename str

filename of the video

meters_per_pixel float

meters per pixel conversion factor

timestamps array

timestamps of the video

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def get_video_info(key):
    """Returns video path for a given key.

    Given nwb_file_name and interval_list_name returns specified
    video file filename, path, meters_per_pixel, and timestamps.

    key : dict
        Dictionary containing nwb_file_name and interval_list_name as keys

    video_filepath : str
        path to the video file, including video filename
    video_filename : str
        filename of the video
    meters_per_pixel : float
        meters per pixel conversion factor
    timestamps : np.array
        timestamps of the video
    import pynwb

    vf_key = {k: val for k, val in key.items() if k in VideoFile.heading}
    video_query = VideoFile & vf_key

    if not video_query:
        VideoFile()._no_transaction_make(vf_key, verbose=False)

    if len(video_query) != 1:
        logger.warning(f"Found {len(video_query)} videos for {vf_key}")
        return None, None, None, None

    video_info = video_query.fetch1()
    nwb_path = f"{raw_dir}/{video_info['nwb_file_name']}"

    with pynwb.NWBHDF5IO(path=nwb_path, mode="r") as in_out:
        nwb_file =
        nwb_video = nwb_file.objects[video_info["video_file_object_id"]]
        video_filepath = VideoFile.get_abs_path(vf_key)
        video_dir = os.path.dirname(video_filepath) + "/"
        video_filename = video_filepath.split(video_dir)[-1]
        meters_per_pixel = nwb_video.device.meters_per_pixel
        timestamps = np.asarray(nwb_video.timestamps)

    return video_dir, video_filename, meters_per_pixel, timestamps

find_mp4(video_path, output_path=dlc_video_dir, video_filename=None, video_filetype='h264')

Check for video file and convert to .mp4 if necessary.


Name Type Description Default
video_path str or PosixPath object

path to directory of the existing video file without filename

output_path str or PosixPath object

path to directory where converted video will be saved

video_filename (str, Optional)

filename of the video to convert, if not provided, video_filetype must be and all video files of video_filetype in the directory will be converted

video_filetype str or List, Default 'h264', Optional

If video_filename is not provided, all videos of this filetype will be converted to .mp4



Type Description
PosixPath object

path to converted video file

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def find_mp4(
    video_path: Union[str, PosixPath],
    output_path: Union[str, PosixPath] = dlc_video_dir,
    video_filename: str = None,
    video_filetype: str = "h264",
    """Check for video file and convert to .mp4 if necessary.

    video_path : str or PosixPath object
        path to directory of the existing video file without filename
    output_path : str or PosixPath object
        path to directory where converted video will be saved
    video_filename : str, Optional
        filename of the video to convert, if not provided, video_filetype must
        be and all video files of video_filetype in the directory will be
    video_filetype : str or List, Default 'h264', Optional
        If video_filename is not provided,
        all videos of this filetype will be converted to .mp4

    PosixPath object
        path to converted video file

    if not video_path or not Path(video_path).exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Video path does not exist: {video_path}")

    video_files = (
        [Path(video_path) / video_filename]
        if video_filename
        else Path(video_path).glob(f"*.{video_filetype}")

    if len(video_files) != 1:
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"Found {len(video_files)} video files in {video_path}"
    video_filepath = video_files[0]

    if video_filepath.exists() and video_filepath.suffix == ".mp4":
        return video_filepath

    video_file = (
        .rsplit(video_filepath.parent.as_posix(), maxsplit=1)[-1]
    return _convert_mp4(video_file, video_path, output_path, videotype="mp4")


Queries the gpu cluster and returns the memory use for each core. This is used to evaluate which GPU cores are available to run jobs on (i.e. pose estimation, DLC model training)


Name Type Description
memory_use_values dict

dictionary with core number as key and memory in use as value.


Type Description

if subproccess command errors.

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def get_gpu_memory():
    """Queries the gpu cluster and returns the memory use for each core.
    This is used to evaluate which GPU cores are available to run jobs on
    (i.e. pose estimation, DLC model training)

    memory_use_values : dict
        dictionary with core number as key and memory in use as value.

        if subproccess command errors.

    def output_to_list(x):
        return x.decode("ascii").split("\n")[:-1]

    query_cmd = "nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv"
        memory_use_info = output_to_list(
            subprocess.check_output(query_cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"Get GPU memory errored: Code {err.returncode}, {err.output}"
        ) from err
    memory_use_values = {
        i: int(x.split()[0]) for i, x in enumerate(memory_use_info)
    return memory_use_values

two_pt_head_orientation(pos_df, **params)

Determines orientation based on vector between two points

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def two_pt_head_orientation(pos_df: pd.DataFrame, **params):
    """Determines orientation based on vector between two points"""
    BP1 = params.pop("bodypart1", None)
    BP2 = params.pop("bodypart2", None)
    orientation = np.arctan2(
        (pos_df[BP1]["y"] - pos_df[BP2]["y"]),
        (pos_df[BP1]["x"] - pos_df[BP2]["x"]),
    return orientation

red_led_bisector_orientation(pos_df, **params)

Determines orientation based on 2 equally-spaced identifiers

Identifiers are assumed to be perpendicular to the orientation direction. A third object is needed to determine forward/backward

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def red_led_bisector_orientation(pos_df: pd.DataFrame, **params):
    """Determines orientation based on 2 equally-spaced identifiers

    Identifiers are assumed to be perpendicular to the orientation direction.
    A third object is needed to determine forward/backward
    """  # timeit reported 3500x improvement for vectorized implementation
    LED1 = params.pop("led1", None)
    LED2 = params.pop("led2", None)
    LED3 = params.pop("led3", None)

    orient = np.full(len(pos_df), np.nan)  # Initialize with NaNs
    x_vec = pos_df[LED1]["x"] - pos_df[LED2]["x"]
    y_vec = pos_df[LED1]["y"] - pos_df[LED2]["y"]
    y_eq0 = np.isclose(y_vec, 0)

    # when y_vec is zero, 1&2 are equal. Compare to 3, determine if up or down
    orient[y_eq0 & pos_df[LED3]["y"].gt(pos_df[LED1]["y"])] = np.pi / 2
    orient[y_eq0 & pos_df[LED3]["y"].lt(pos_df[LED1]["y"])] = -np.pi / 2

    # Handling error case where y_vec is zero and all Ys are the same
    y_1, y_2, y_3 = pos_df[LED1]["y"], pos_df[LED2]["y"], pos_df[LED3]["y"]
    if np.any(y_eq0 & np.isclose(y_1, y_2) & np.isclose(y_2, y_3)):
        raise Exception("Cannot determine head direction from bisector")

    # General case where y_vec is not zero. Use arctan2 to determine orientation
    length = np.sqrt(x_vec**2 + y_vec**2)
    norm_x = (-y_vec / length)[~y_eq0]
    norm_y = (x_vec / length)[~y_eq0]
    orient[~y_eq0] = np.arctan2(norm_y, norm_x)

    return orient

convert_to_pixels(data, frame_size=None, cm_to_pixels=1.0)

Converts from cm to pixels and flips the y-axis.


Name Type Description Default
data (ndarray, shape(n_time, 2))
frame_size (array_like, shape(2))
cm_to_pixels float


Name Type Description
converted_data (ndarray, shape(n_time, 2))
Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def convert_to_pixels(data, frame_size=None, cm_to_pixels=1.0):
    """Converts from cm to pixels and flips the y-axis.

    data : ndarray, shape (n_time, 2)
    frame_size : array_like, shape (2,)
    cm_to_pixels : float

    converted_data : ndarray, shape (n_time, 2)
    return data / cm_to_pixels


Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
class Centroid:
    def __init__(self, pos_df, points, max_LED_separation=None):
        if max_LED_separation is None and len(points) != 1:
            raise ValueError("max_LED_separation must be provided")
        if len(points) not in [1, 2, 4]:
            raise ValueError("Invalid number of points")

        self.pos_df = pos_df
        self.max_LED_separation = max_LED_separation
        self.points_dict = points
        self.point_names = list(points.values())
        self.idx = pd.IndexSlice
        self.centroid = np.zeros(shape=(len(pos_df), 2))
        self.coords = {
            p: pos_df.loc[:, self.idx[p, ("x", "y")]].to_numpy()
            for p in self.point_names
        self.nans = {
            p: np.isnan(coord).any(axis=1) for p, coord in self.coords.items()

        if len(points) == 1:
        if len(points) in [2, 4]:  # 4 also requires 2
        if len(points) == 4:

    def calc_centroid(
        mask: tuple,
        points: list = None,
        replace: bool = False,
        midpoint: bool = False,
        logical_or: bool = False,
        """Calculate the centroid of the points in the mask

        mask : Union[tuple, list]
            Tuple of masks to apply to the points. Default is np.logical_and
            over a tuple. If a list is passed, then np.logical_or is used.
            List cannoot be used with logical_or=True
        points : list, optional
            List of points to calculate the centroid of. For replace, not needed
        replace : bool, optional
            Special case for replacing mask with nans, by default False
        logical_or : bool, optional
            Whether to use logical_and or logical_or to combine mask tuple.
        if isinstance(mask, list):
            mask = [reduce(np.logical_and, m) for m in mask]

        # Check that combinations of points close enough
        if points is not None and len(points) > 1:
            for pair in combinations(points, 2):
                mask = (*mask, ~self.too_sep(pair[0], pair[1]))

        func = np.logical_or if logical_or else np.logical_and
        mask = reduce(func, mask)

        if not np.any(mask):
        if replace:
            self.centroid[mask] = np.nan
        if len(points) == 3:
            self.coords["midpoint"] = (
                self.coords[points[0]] + self.coords[points[1]]
            ) / 2
            points = ["midpoint", points[2]]
        coord_arrays = np.array([self.coords[point][mask] for point in points])
        self.centroid[mask] = np.nanmean(coord_arrays, axis=0)

    def too_sep(self, point1, point2):
        """Check if points are too far apart"""
        return (
            get_distance(self.coords[point1], self.coords[point2])
            >= self.max_LED_separation

    def get_1pt_centroid(self):
        """Passthrough. If point is NaN, then centroid is NaN."""
        PT1 = self.points_dict.get("point1", None)
        mask = ~self.nans[PT1]  # For good points, centroid is the point
        self.centroid[mask] = self.coords[PT1][mask]
        self.centroid[~mask] = np.nan  # For bad points, centroid is NaN

    def get_2pt_centroid(self):
        self.calc_centroid(  # Good points
            mask=(~self.nans[p] for p in self.point_names),
        self.calc_centroid(mask=self.nans.values(), replace=True)  # All bad
        for point in self.point_names:  # only one point
                    *[self.nans[p] for p in self.point_names if p != point],

    def get_4pt_centroid(self):
        green = self.points_dict.get("greenLED", None)
        red_C = self.points_dict.get("redLED_C", None)
        red_L = self.points_dict.get("redLED_L", None)
        red_R = self.points_dict.get("redLED_R", None)

        self.calc_centroid(  # Good green and center
            points=[green, red_C],
            mask=(~self.nans[green], ~self.nans[red_C]),

        self.calc_centroid(  # green, left/right - average left/right
            points=[red_L, red_R, green],

        self.calc_centroid(  # only left/right
            points=[red_L, red_R],

        for side, other in [red_L, red_R], [red_R, red_L]:
            self.calc_centroid(  # green and one side are good, others are NaN
                points=[side, green],

        self.calc_centroid(  # green is NaN, red center is good
            mask=(self.nans[green], ~self.nans[red_C]),

calc_centroid(mask, points=None, replace=False, midpoint=False, logical_or=False)

Calculate the centroid of the points in the mask


Name Type Description Default
mask Union[tuple, list]

Tuple of masks to apply to the points. Default is np.logical_and over a tuple. If a list is passed, then np.logical_or is used. List cannoot be used with logical_or=True

points list

List of points to calculate the centroid of. For replace, not needed

replace bool

Special case for replacing mask with nans, by default False

logical_or bool

Whether to use logical_and or logical_or to combine mask tuple.

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def calc_centroid(
    mask: tuple,
    points: list = None,
    replace: bool = False,
    midpoint: bool = False,
    logical_or: bool = False,
    """Calculate the centroid of the points in the mask

    mask : Union[tuple, list]
        Tuple of masks to apply to the points. Default is np.logical_and
        over a tuple. If a list is passed, then np.logical_or is used.
        List cannoot be used with logical_or=True
    points : list, optional
        List of points to calculate the centroid of. For replace, not needed
    replace : bool, optional
        Special case for replacing mask with nans, by default False
    logical_or : bool, optional
        Whether to use logical_and or logical_or to combine mask tuple.
    if isinstance(mask, list):
        mask = [reduce(np.logical_and, m) for m in mask]

    # Check that combinations of points close enough
    if points is not None and len(points) > 1:
        for pair in combinations(points, 2):
            mask = (*mask, ~self.too_sep(pair[0], pair[1]))

    func = np.logical_or if logical_or else np.logical_and
    mask = reduce(func, mask)

    if not np.any(mask):
    if replace:
        self.centroid[mask] = np.nan
    if len(points) == 3:
        self.coords["midpoint"] = (
            self.coords[points[0]] + self.coords[points[1]]
        ) / 2
        points = ["midpoint", points[2]]
    coord_arrays = np.array([self.coords[point][mask] for point in points])
    self.centroid[mask] = np.nanmean(coord_arrays, axis=0)

too_sep(point1, point2)

Check if points are too far apart

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def too_sep(self, point1, point2):
    """Check if points are too far apart"""
    return (
        get_distance(self.coords[point1], self.coords[point2])
        >= self.max_LED_separation


Passthrough. If point is NaN, then centroid is NaN.

Source code in src/spyglass/position/v1/
def get_1pt_centroid(self):
    """Passthrough. If point is NaN, then centroid is NaN."""
    PT1 = self.points_dict.get("point1", None)
    mask = ~self.nans[PT1]  # For good points, centroid is the point
    self.centroid[mask] = self.coords[PT1][mask]
    self.centroid[~mask] = np.nan  # For bad points, centroid is NaN