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Helper functions for manipulating information from DataJoint fetch calls.

fuzzy_get(index, names, sources)

Given lists of items/names, return item at index or by substring.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def fuzzy_get(index: Union[int, str], names: List[str], sources: List[str]):
    """Given lists of items/names, return item at index or by substring."""
    if isinstance(index, int):
        return sources[index]
    for i, part in enumerate(names):
        if index in part:
            return sources[i]
    return None


Remove duplicate dictionaries from a list.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def unique_dicts(list_of_dict):
    """Remove duplicate dictionaries from a list."""
    return [dict(t) for t in {tuple(d.items()) for d in list_of_dict}]

deprecated_factory(classes, old_module='')

Creates a list of classes and logs a warning when instantiated


Name Type Description Default
classes list

list of tuples containing old_class, new_class



Type Description

list of classes that will log a warning when instantiated

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def deprecated_factory(classes: list, old_module: str = "") -> list:
    """Creates a list of classes and logs a warning when instantiated

    classes : list
        list of tuples containing old_class, new_class

        list of classes that will log a warning when instantiated

    if not isinstance(classes, list):
        classes = [classes]

    ret = [
        _subclass_factory(old_name=c[0], new_class=c[1], old_module=old_module)
        for c in classes

    return ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else ret

dj_replace(original_table, new_values, key_column, replace_column)

Given the output of a fetch() call from a schema and a 2D array made up of (key_value, replace_value) tuples, find each instance of key_value in the key_column of the original table and replace the specified replace_column with the associated replace_value. Key values must be unique.


Name Type Description Default

Result of a datajoint .fetch() call on a schema query.

new_values list

List of tuples, each containing (key_value, replace_value).

replace_column str

The name of the column where to-be-replaced values are located.



Type Description

Structured array of new table entries that can be inserted back into the schema

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def dj_replace(original_table, new_values, key_column, replace_column):
    """Given the output of a fetch() call from a schema and a 2D array made up
    of (key_value, replace_value) tuples, find each instance of key_value in
    the key_column of the original table and replace the specified
    replace_column with the associated replace_value. Key values must be

        Result of a datajoint .fetch() call on a schema query.
    new_values : list
        List of tuples, each containing (key_value, replace_value).
    replace_column : str
        The name of the column where to-be-replaced values are located.

        Structured array of new table entries that can be inserted back into the schema

    # check to make sure the new_values are a list or array of tuples and fix if not
    if isinstance(new_values, tuple):
        tmp = list()
        new_values = tmp

    new_val_array = np.asarray(new_values)
    replace_ind = np.where(
        np.isin(original_table[key_column], new_val_array[:, 0])
    original_table[replace_column][replace_ind] = new_val_array[:, 1]
    return original_table


Get all classes from a stack of tables.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_all_tables_in_stack(stack):
    """Get all classes from a stack of tables."""
    classes = set()
    for frame_info in stack:
        locals_dict = frame_info.frame.f_locals
        for obj in locals_dict.values():
            if not isinstance(obj, UserTable):
                continue  # skip non-tables
            if (name := obj.full_table_name) in PERIPHERAL_TABLES:
                continue  # skip common_nwbfile tables
    return classes


Get all classes from a stack of tables.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_fetching_table_from_stack(stack):
    """Get all classes from a stack of tables."""
    classes = get_all_tables_in_stack(stack)
    if len(classes) > 1:
        classes = None  # predict only one but not sure, so return None
    return next(iter(classes)) if classes else None

get_nwb_table(query_expression, tbl, attr_name, *attrs, **kwargs)

Get the NWB file name and path from the given DataJoint query.


Name Type Description Default
query_expression query

A DataJoint query expression (e.g., join, restrict) or a table to call fetch on.

tbl table

DataJoint table to fetch from.

attr_name str

Attribute name to fetch from the table.

*attrs list

Attributes from normal DataJoint fetch call.

**kwargs dict

Keyword arguments from normal DataJoint fetch call.



Name Type Description
nwb_files list

List of NWB file names.

file_path_fn function

Function to get the absolute path to the NWB file.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def get_nwb_table(query_expression, tbl, attr_name, *attrs, **kwargs):
    """Get the NWB file name and path from the given DataJoint query.

    query_expression : query
        A DataJoint query expression (e.g., join, restrict) or a table to call fetch on.
    tbl : table
        DataJoint table to fetch from.
    attr_name : str
        Attribute name to fetch from the table.
    *attrs : list
        Attributes from normal DataJoint fetch call.
    **kwargs : dict
        Keyword arguments from normal DataJoint fetch call.

    nwb_files : list
        List of NWB file names.
    file_path_fn : function
        Function to get the absolute path to the NWB file.
    from spyglass.common.common_nwbfile import AnalysisNwbfile, Nwbfile

    kwargs["as_dict"] = True  # force return as dictionary
    attrs = attrs or query_expression.heading.names  # if none, all

    which = "analysis" if "analysis" in attr_name else "nwb"
    tbl_map = {  # map to file_name_str and file_path_fn
        "analysis": ["analysis_file_name", AnalysisNwbfile.get_abs_path],
        "nwb": ["nwb_file_name", Nwbfile.get_abs_path],
    file_name_str, file_path_fn = tbl_map[which]

    # TODO: check that the query_expression restricts tbl - CBroz
    nwb_files = (
        query_expression * tbl.proj(nwb2load_filepath=attr_name)

    # Disabled #1024
    # if which == "analysis":  # log access of analysis files to log table
    #     AnalysisNwbfile().increment_access(
    #         nwb_files, table=get_fetching_table_from_stack(inspect.stack())
    #     )

    return nwb_files, file_path_fn

fetch_nwb(query_expression, nwb_master, *attrs, **kwargs)

Get an NWB object from the given DataJoint query.


Name Type Description Default
query_expression query

A DataJoint query expression (e.g., join, restrict) or a table to call fetch on.

nwb_master tuple

Tuple (table, attr) to get the NWB filepath from. i.e. absolute path to NWB file can be obtained by looking up attr column of table table is usually Nwbfile or AnalysisNwbfile; attr is usually 'nwb_file_abs_path' or 'analysis_file_abs_path'

*attrs list

Attributes from normal DataJoint fetch call.

**kwargs dict

Keyword arguments from normal DataJoint fetch call.



Name Type Description
nwb_objects list

List of dicts containing fetch results and NWB objects.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def fetch_nwb(query_expression, nwb_master, *attrs, **kwargs):
    """Get an NWB object from the given DataJoint query.

    query_expression : query
        A DataJoint query expression (e.g., join, restrict) or a table to call fetch on.
    nwb_master : tuple
        Tuple (table, attr) to get the NWB filepath from.
        i.e. absolute path to NWB file can be obtained by looking up attr column of table
        table is usually Nwbfile or AnalysisNwbfile;
        attr is usually 'nwb_file_abs_path' or 'analysis_file_abs_path'
    *attrs : list
        Attributes from normal DataJoint fetch call.
    **kwargs : dict
        Keyword arguments from normal DataJoint fetch call.

    nwb_objects : list
        List of dicts containing fetch results and NWB objects.
    kwargs["as_dict"] = True  # force return as dictionary

    tbl, attr_name = nwb_master
    if "analysis" in attr_name:
        file_name_attr = "analysis_file_name"
        file_name_attr = "nwb_file_name"

    if not attrs:
        attrs = query_expression.heading.names

    nwb_files, file_path_fn = get_nwb_table(
        query_expression, tbl, attr_name, *attrs, **kwargs

    for file_name in nwb_files:
        file_path = file_path_fn(file_name)
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):  # retrieve the file from kachery.
            # This also opens the file and stores the file object

    query_table = query_expression * tbl.proj(nwb2load_filepath=attr_name)
    rec_dicts = query_table.fetch(*attrs, **kwargs)
    # get filepath for each. Use datajoint for checksum if local
    for rec_dict in rec_dicts:
        file_path = file_path_fn(rec_dict[file_name_attr])
        if file_from_dandi(file_path):
            # skip the filepath checksum if streamed from Dandi
            rec_dict["nwb2load_filepath"] = file_path

        # Full dict caused issues with dlc tables using dicts in secondary keys
        rec_only_pk = {k: rec_dict[k] for k in query_table.heading.primary_key}
        rec_dict["nwb2load_filepath"] = (query_table & rec_only_pk).fetch1(

    if not rec_dicts or not np.any(
        ["object_id" in key for key in rec_dicts[0]]
        return rec_dicts

    ret = []
    for rec_dict in rec_dicts:
        nwbf = get_nwb_file(rec_dict.pop("nwb2load_filepath"))
        # for each attr that contains substring 'object_id', store key-value: attr name to NWB object
        # remove '_object_id' from attr name
        nwb_objs = {
            id_attr.replace("_object_id", ""): _get_nwb_object(
                nwbf.objects, rec_dict[id_attr]
            for id_attr in attrs
            if "object_id" in id_attr and rec_dict[id_attr] != ""
        ret.append({**rec_dict, **nwb_objs})
    return ret

update_analysis_for_dandi_standard(filepath, age='P4M/P8M')

Function to resolve common nwb file format errors within the database


Name Type Description Default
filepath str

abs path to the file to edit

age str

age to assign animal if missing, by default "P4M/P8M"

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def update_analysis_for_dandi_standard(
    filepath: str,
    age: str = "P4M/P8M",
    """Function to resolve common nwb file format errors within the database

    filepath : str
        abs path to the file to edit
    age : str, optional
        age to assign animal if missing, by default "P4M/P8M"
    from spyglass.common import LabMember

        error_message="Admin permissions required to edit existing analysis files"
    file_name = filepath.split("/")[-1]
    # edit the file
    with h5py.File(filepath, "a") as file:
        sex_value = file["/general/subject/sex"][()].decode("utf-8")
        if sex_value not in ["Female", "Male", "F", "M", "O", "U"]:
            raise ValueError(f"Unexpected value for sex: {sex_value}")

        if len(sex_value) > 1:
            new_sex_value = sex_value[0].upper()
                f"Adjusting subject sex: '{sex_value}' -> '{new_sex_value}'"
            file["/general/subject/sex"][()] = new_sex_value

        # replace subject species value "Rat" with "Rattus norvegicus"
        species_value = file["/general/subject/species"][()].decode("utf-8")
        if species_value == "Rat":
            new_species_value = "Rattus norvegicus"
                f"Adjusting subject species from '{species_value}' to "
                + f"'{new_species_value}'."
            file["/general/subject/species"][()] = new_species_value

        if not (
            len(species_value.split(" ")) == 2 or "NCBITaxon" in species_value
            raise ValueError(
                "Dandi upload requires species either be in Latin binomial form"
                + " (e.g., 'Mus musculus' and 'Homo sapiens') or be a NCBI "
                + "taxonomy link (e.g., "
                + "'').\n "
                + f"Please update species value of: {species_value}"

        # add subject age dataset "P4M/P8M"
        if "age" not in file["/general/subject"]:
            new_age_value = age
                f"Adding missing subject age, set to '{new_age_value}'."
                name="age", data=new_age_value, dtype=STR_DTYPE

        # format name to "Last, First"
        experimenter_value = file["/general/experimenter"][:].astype(str)
        new_experimenter_value = dandi_format_names(experimenter_value)
        if experimenter_value != new_experimenter_value:
            new_experimenter_value = new_experimenter_value.astype(STR_DTYPE)
                f"Adjusting experimenter from {experimenter_value} to "
                + f"{new_experimenter_value}."
            file["/general/experimenter"][:] = new_experimenter_value

    # update the datajoint external store table to reflect the changes
    _resolve_external_table(filepath, file_name)


Make names compliant with dandi standard of "Last, First"


Name Type Description Default
experimenter List

List of experimenter names



Type Description

reformatted list of experimenter names

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def dandi_format_names(experimenter: List) -> List:
    """Make names compliant with dandi standard of "Last, First"

    experimenter : List
        List of experimenter names

        reformatted list of experimenter names
    for i, name in enumerate(experimenter):
        parts = name.split(" ")
        new_name = " ".join(
        new_name = f"{parts[-1]}, {new_name}"
        experimenter[i] = new_name
    return experimenter


Make the top-level object_id attribute of the file unique


Name Type Description Default
nwb_path str

path to the NWB file



Type Description

the new object_id

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def make_file_obj_id_unique(nwb_path: str):
    """Make the top-level object_id attribute of the file unique

    nwb_path : str
        path to the NWB file

        the new object_id
    from spyglass.common.common_lab import LabMember  # noqa: F401

        error_message="Admin permissions required to edit existing analysis files"
    new_id = str(uuid4())
    with h5py.File(nwb_path, "a") as f:
        f.attrs["object_id"] = new_id
    _resolve_external_table(nwb_path, nwb_path.split("/")[-1])
    return new_id


Pass function for parallel populate.

Note: To avoid pickling errors, the table must be passed by class, NOT by instance. Note: This function must be defined in the global namespace.


Name Type Description Default
value (table, key, kwargs)

Class of table to populate, key to populate, and kwargs for populate

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
def populate_pass_function(value):
    """Pass function for parallel populate.

    Note: To avoid pickling errors, the table must be passed by class, NOT by instance.
    Note: This function must be defined in the global namespace.

    value : (table, key, kwargs)
        Class of table to populate, key to populate, and kwargs for populate
    table, key, kwargs = value
    return table.populate(key, **kwargs)


Bases: Pool

NonDaemonPool. Used to create a pool of non-daemonized processes, which are required for parallel populate operations in DataJoint.

Source code in src/spyglass/utils/
class NonDaemonPool(multiprocessing.pool.Pool):
    """NonDaemonPool. Used to create a pool of non-daemonized processes,
    which are required for parallel populate operations in DataJoint.

    # Explicitly set the start method to 'fork'
    # Allows the pool to be used in MacOS, where the default start method is 'spawn'
    multiprocessing.set_start_method("fork", force=True)

    def Process(self, *args, **kwds):
        proc = super(NonDaemonPool, self).Process(*args, **kwds)

        class NonDaemonProcess(proc.__class__):
            """Monkey-patch process to ensure it is never daemonized"""

            def daemon(self):
                return False

            def daemon(self, val):

        proc.__class__ = NonDaemonProcess
        return proc